Soft Diplomacy Efforts Through the BIPA Program from Educational and CulturalAttaché (Atdikbud) in Manila to Improve Bilateral Relations between thePhilippines and Indonesia in 2021-2023

Author(s) : Jason Yohanes Pontoh, Triesanto Romulo Simanjuntak, Roberto Octavianus Cornelis Seb
Institution : Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Communication Science, Satya Wacana Christian University Salatiga, Indonesia
Category : Article
Topics : Soft Diplomacy, BIPA, Bilateral Relation
Article can be downloaded here >>Soft Diplomacy Efforts Through the BIPA Program from Educational and CulturalAttaché (Atdikbud) in Manila to Improve Bilateral Relations between thePhilippines and Indonesia in 2021-2023