Historical and Scientific Contexts of the Tendency of Qur’anic Scholars to the Scientific Miracle (I’jāz) of the Qur’ān


Author(s) : (1) Mahdi Pichan, (2) Amir Ahmadnezhad
Institution : (1) Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran (Corresponding Author), (2) Department of Quranic Sciences and Hadith, University of Isfahan, Iran
Email: (1) pichanmahdi@gmail.com, (2) ahmadnezhad@ltr.ui.ac.ir
Category : Article, IJMMU
Topic : Religion
Keywords: Miracle (I’jāz) of the Qur’an; Scientific Miracle; Historical Contexts; Scientific Contexts; Paradigm; Historical Hermeneutics
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i10.2962

This article is published in IJMMU Website and can be accessed here >> Historical and Scientific Contexts of the Tendency of Qur’anic Scholars to the Scientific Miracle (I’jāz) of the Qur’ān


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