We are inviting you, people in Nusantara and all over the world, to submit your scientific papers, books, poetry, articles, or any kind of art works to us. The accepted works will be published within 3 days after acceptance confirmation.
- You can submit any works comprising scientific papers, books, essay, research report, article, university assigment, cartoon, posters or poetry
- State your name, institution, type of your writing (scientific papers, etc), and others significant information in your document (write in the very first page like a cover)
- If it is a writing, send it in Microsoft Word file with requirements mentioned below:
- Must be written in A4
- Times New Roman, Size 12
- Margin: Top 3, Bottom 3, Left 3, Right 3
- Your works will be saved as PDF by us and will be shared in this website. Everyone who visit this website can read, download and share. However, readers can not edit your works.
- Fill in the submission form below to submit your work
- The Authors will retain his/her copyrights
- If you have any problem with uploading the documents and submitting the form, please contact us via email at secretariat.alamnusantara@gmail.com