The Influence of Husband Support to the Event of Unmet Need in the Fertilizer Age in the Work Area of the Bangkelekila Community Health Center of North Toraja Regency


Author(s)            : (1) Elis Sampe Pasang; (2) Masni; (3) Nurhaedar Jafar; (4) Stang; (5) Apik Indarti Moedjiono; (6) Najib Bustam

Institution          : (1) Biostatistics and Reproductive Health Department, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University,
Indonesia; (2) Nutrition Science Department, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia; (3) Epidemiology Department, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University, Indonesia

Category            : Article

Topics                 : Society, Health

Article can be downloaded here >> The Influence of Husband Support to the Event of Unmet Need in the Fertilizer Age in the Work Area of the Bangkelekila Community Health Center of North Toraja Regency


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