Reducing the Criminal Population of Women’s Prisons with an Approach to Strengthening the Family (Wifehood and Motherhood)


Author(s) : Mohammad Sadegh Jamshidi Rad(1); Fatemeh Mohammadi(2)

Institution        : (1) Associate Professor and Director of the Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, South Tehran Payam Noor University, University of Theology, Tehran, Iran; (2) Fourth Level Seminary Student, Family Jurisprudence, Rafi’ah Al-Mustafa Educational Institute, Tehran, Iran

Category           : Article

Topics                : Criminal Population; Women’s Prison; Family Strength Principle; Wifehood; Motherhood

Article can be downloaded here > Reducing the Criminal Population of Women’s Prisons with an Approach to Strengthening the Family (Wifehood and Motherhood)

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