The Effect of Advertising and Price Discounts on the Interest of Tourists to Stay at Hotel (Staycation) During the Covid-19 Pandemic with Health Risk Perception as Moderating Variable


Author(s) :

Eliza Yusnita1
; Akhmad Saufi2
; Baiq Handayani2

Institution        :

Master of Management, Faculty of Economy and Business, University of Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia
2 Management, Faculty of Economy and Business, University of Mataram, Lombok, Indonesia

Category           : Article

Topics                : Advertising; Price Discount; Interest on Staying; Health Risk Perception

Article can be downloaded here >>

The Effect of Advertising and Price Discounts on the Interest of Tourists to Stay at Hotel (Staycation) During the Covid-19 Pandemic with Health Risk Perception as Moderating Variable

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