Application Criminal Chamber Formulation Number 6 in Circular of the Supreme Court No. 4 of 2016 concerning the Authority of the State Audit AgencyDeclares State Losses (Case Study in the Corruption Court at the Padang District Court)


Author(s)            : (1) Yosefin Ernawati Nazara; (2) Elwi Danil; (3) Azmi Fendri

Institution          : Faculty of Law, University of Andalas, Padang, Indonesia

Category            : Article

Topics                 : Law

Article can be downloaded here >> Application Criminal Chamber Formulation Number 6 in Circular of the Supreme Court No. 4 of 2016 concerning the Authority of the State Audit AgencyDeclares State Losses (Case Study in the Corruption Court at the Padang District Court)


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