The Survey Effectiveness of Time Perspective Therapy on Spiritual Well-Being and Hardiness Parents of Boy Students with Reading Disability


Author(s)            : (1) Marzieyh Malekiha1; (2) Mojgan Rafiee

Institution          : (1) Human Sciences Faculty, Hazrat-e Masoumeh University, Qom, Iran; (2)

Department of Counseling and Guidance, Islamic Azad University of Khomeinishahr,
Khomeinishahr Branch, Iran

Category            : Article

Topics                 : Counseling, Education

Article can be downloaded here >> The Survey Effectiveness of Time Perspective Therapy on Spiritual Well-Being and Hardiness Parents of Boy Students with Reading DisabilityThe Survey Effectiveness of Time Perspective Therapy on Spiritual Well-Being and Hardiness Parents of Boy Students with Reading Disability


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