Investigation of the Lexical-Semantic Field of “Joy”/ “Shod-Xurramlik” in English and Uzbek Languages

Author(s) : Maxammatjon Arabovich Abduvaliev; Valijon Abduvahobovich Vositov; Abdurashid Isaqovich Ismoilov; Bahromjon Abduraimovich Saidov; Ahmadbek Sohibjon Uglj Bozorbekov
Institution : PhD, Associate Professor, Andijan State University, Uzbekistan
Teacher, Andijan State University, Uzbekistan
Category : Article
Topics : Lexical-Semantic Field; Field Constituents; Dominant; Centre; Periphery; Archiseme; Deep Structure; Surface Structure; Linguopragmatic Features; Linguocultural Aspect
Article can be downloaded here >>Investigation of the Lexical-Semantic Field of “Joy”/ “Shod-Xurramlik” in English and Uzbek Languages