Economic Empowerment of the Poor Society in Sigi Regency, Central Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Author(s) : Sitti Ulfah; Patta Toppe; Edhi Taqwa; Haerul Anam Institution : Student of Doctoral Program in Economic Sciences, Postgraduate...
Author(s) : Sitti Ulfah; Patta Toppe; Edhi Taqwa; Haerul Anam Institution : Student of Doctoral Program in Economic Sciences, Postgraduate...
Author(s) : Zulkhumor Abdalova; Imongali IslomovInstitution : Associate Professor of the Department of Geography, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after...
Author(s) : Subakdi; Iswahyuni; Angela Efianda Institution : University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Indonesia Category : Article Topics ...
Author(s) : Mochamad Choirur Riza; Sahid Teguh Widodo; Atikah Anindyarini Institution : Master Program of Indonesian Language Education, Sebelas Maret...
Author(s) : Jalal Torkashvand Institution : Head of Department of Islamic Education of Imam Ali university, Iran Category :...