
Versi Bahasa (Klik sini)

International Article & Video Competition 

Registration: 15 February – 1 May 2024
Submission: 15 February – 1 May 2024
Deadline: 1 May 2024
Announcement: 20 May 2024

Theme & Sub-theme

Themes: Keserumpunan Nusantara

Sub-theme: Philosophy, Science, Literature, Environment, Religion, Archeology, Agriculture, Sociology, History, Anthropology, Politics, Health, Technology, Communication, Psychology, Business, Economy, Education, Geography, Mathematic

Terms & Conditions (Article)

  • This competition is open for all people from countries in Nusantara including Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei Darussalam, Singapore, Thailand, Philippines and also other countries outside Nusantara region
  • Participants can be individual or a group
  • Participants may pick one of sub-theme or combine more than one of sub-theme
  • Participants may submit more than 1 writing
  • Articles will be published on i-WIN Library website
  • Articles can be the result of a study or research, university assignment, creative writings or opinion writings
  • Authors retain the copyright of their writings
  • Length:
    Opinion: minimum 750 words
    Scientific/ Academic/ Editorial Article: minimum 3000 words (including bibliography)
  • Articles must be authentic!
  • Articles have not been submitted yet in any similar competition, and must not contain plagiarism
  • Articles have not been published in any platform
  • Articles can be written either in English or Bahasa
  • There is no any specific format for scientific/academic/editorial article. At least, the article must state:
    • Title
    • Introduction
    • Discussion
    • Conclusion
    • Bibliography 
  • Authors must declare the authenticity of their writings through Declaration of Authenticity Letter provided below
  • Declaration of Authenticity can be downloaded here.
    Declaration of Authenticity
  • Guideline for letter of authenticity:
    • Download the letter from the link above or here Declaration of Authenticity
    • Fill in the letter
    • Put the scan of your signature in the letter
    • Convert the file to pdf or jpg/jpeg/png
    • the file is ready to be uploaded to the registration form

Terms & Conditions (Video)

  • The competition is open to all citizens in Nusantara communities of Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Thailand, Philippines, Papua New Guinea and beyond (the whole world)
  • The duration of videos MUST range from 1-5 minutes
  • The video format allowed is MP4 only
  • The video does not have any particular theme. Participants have the freedom to design any particular video.
  • Participants can use Bahasa, English, or their mother tongue languages/ local dialects. Subtitles should be included (if it is in local dialects/ mother tongue languages)
  • Participants need to record the most interesting video in accordance with the chosen theme, then the video needs to be uploaded to the participant’s personal google drive
  • Participants MUST state the selected area clearly. Video content by theme and sub-theme should be explained and detailed specifically according to the unique characteristics of the chosen area
  • Participants are ENCOURAGED to submit MORE than one video with different video content. However, participants will need to fill in a new registration link for each additional video
  • The decision of the competition organizers is final and no appeal will be considered
  • All winners will be officially announced and notified by the competition organizer on a stated date
  • Video creators must declare the authenticity of their videos through Declaration of Authenticity Letter provided below
  • Declaration of Authenticity can be downloaded here.
    Declaration of Authenticity
  • Guideline for letter of authenticity:
    • Download the letter from the link above or here Declaration of Authenticity
    • Fill in the letter
    • Put the scan of your signature in the letter
    • Convert the file to pdf or jpg/jpeg/png
    • the file is ready to be uploaded to the registration form

mobile phone, business, phone-998871.jpg

Contact Persons


Nugraha Seah Lai Heng (+6285211677396)

Hanif Abdurahman Siswanto (+6281212557234)