Comparative Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Emotion Regulation, Positive and Negative Affection, Aggressive and Self-Harm Behaviors of 13-16-Year-Old Female Students


Author(s)            : (1) Sara Ghorbani; (2) Alireza Salemi Khameneh; (3) Alireza Motahedi; (4) Zahra Alipour

Institution          : (1) Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Islamic Azad University of Varamin, Tehran, Iran; (2) Department of Psychology, Faculty of Humanities, Payam noor University of Nazar Abad, Alborz, Iran

Category            : Article

Topics                 : Health, Psychology

Article can be downloaded here >> Comparative Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy on Emotion Regulation, Positive and Negative Affection, Aggressive and Self-Harm Behaviors of 13-16-Year-Old Female Students


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