Corporate Greed and the Marginalization of Traditional Fishermen: A Fight for Survival
17 February 2025, Pulau Pinang - The aggressive expansion of corporate interests in marine resource exploitation has led to the...
17 February 2025, Pulau Pinang - The aggressive expansion of corporate interests in marine resource exploitation has led to the...
Author(s) : Alya Salma Salsabila Institution : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Bagi banyak orang, laut adalah sumber kehidupan yang...
17 February 2025, Pulau Pinang - The exploitation of marine resources has long been a subject of ethical, economic, and...
Author(s) : Alya Salma Salsabila Institution : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani 1. Wilayah Laut Berkurang, Nelayan Terpinggirkan Salah satu...
17 February 2025, Pulau Pinang - Traditional fishing communities play a crucial role in marine conservation due to their deep-rooted...
Author(s) : Muhammad Dzaky Nico Saputro Institution : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani SUARA NELAYAN PULAU PINANG 🐟 Dari Laut...
Nova Ahmad Tamimi, mahasiswa Universitas Jenderal Ahmad Yani, menyaksikan sendiri bagaimana kehidupan nelayan di Sungai Batu, Penang, perlahan terhimpit oleh...
Author(s) : Muhammad Dzaky Nico Saputro Institution : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani SUARA NELAYAN PULAU PINANG 🌊 Keajaiban Tambak...
Author(s) : Nova Ahmad Tamimi Institution : Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani Matahari baru saja muncul di ufuk timur, memantulkan...
17 February 2025, Pulau Pinang, Land reclamation projects have become a common development strategy in coastal regions worldwide. However, these...